Our Mission

There are a lot of apps on the internet already, so why should we make more?

Simple, we do not find them satisfactory.

First, most apps are far too big.

More often than not, we find apps that are 1 MB, 20 MB, 500 MB big. Why should we be satisfied on that. We believe that storage space is important, and should not be taken up by disproportionally big simple apps.

Second, most apps are not as compatible as we hope they can.

Once in a while, operating systems updates, and apps drop supports for older systems. However, this would obsolete working devices, wouldn't it? We believe that the older devices are functionally fine, and people should not throw them away just because they are only depreciated.

Finally, many apps are too privacy invasive. More often than not, random apps ask for seemingly unrelated permissions. But why should we allow that? We own our own privacy, don't we? We believe that apps should only request permissions what they need. No more, no less.

Of course, we can't just say stuff and do nothing. Or else we wouldn't be reliable, would we?

This is why we, Martinmimigames, now pursue this path to create tiny, compatible, non-invasive apps.

Firstly, we try to write as little code to map to native functions provided by the platform. This greatly reduce both app size and surface for code error and vulnerability.

Secondly, we do so by writing our own custom libraries and codes, and only use third-party libraries only when absolutely necessary. This allows us to control most if not all aspect of our code, allowing for custom optimization and compatibility.

Thirdly, we ensure changes to the app is beneficial to the user experience and is reasonable in terms of size increase. This means our apps can focus on being tiny, instead of introducing unnecessary bloat.

Finally, we listen and respond to user requests that improve our apps, this ensures the apps fits the needs of the users, instead of what we assumed they need.

We are certain that with our mission, we are adding valuable apps to the internet and the world.

Feel free to check the apps we made Here.